Tag Archives: Educational Success

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Teens and Studying

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With the school year starting, how can I help my son be a better student and study more efficiently?

I recently asked a group of high school freshman how they study. The answers were insightfully intelligent as well as interestingly unique. One student commented that he studies the big points because the little stuff doesn’t matter, another commented he just stares at his book for 15 minute before taking a break, and one looks for the “bold” words to learn and memorize.

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ACT Advice

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My daughter does not know if she should take the ACT, SAT or both. How does she decided?

You finally learned what LOL, OMG and BTW means. Now, your daughter is in high school, and there is another set of acronyms to learn—PSAT, PLAN, ACT, and SAT. Most parents are familiar with these letters and don’t need Google to determine their initial meaning. However, further examination is required if you are going to truly understand how these tests will impact your child.

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