Category Archives: School Issues

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Teen Dating

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Last month, my ninth grade son ask me to help him pick out a Valentine’s present for his girlfriend. He seems so young to have a girlfriend. What age is normal for kids to start having dates?

First, it is great that your son still wants his mother’s input. When kids enter high school, they often start relying on their friends more than their parents. I hope you were able to help your son and that he had a positive experience around this very difficult time.

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Connecting with Teens

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My daughter is getting older, and I feel like I am losing touch with her. I know that teenagers want to be independent, but how do I stay connected with her.

I believe that many parents are scared of their teens—really! I often hear anxious adults say things such as, “my teenager never wants to talk and she is rarely ever home.” The first comment is a myth and the second is an excuse.

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Private vs Public Schools – Which is right for you?

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Many families agonize over the difficult decision of where their teens should attend school. Some choose public education based on a political conviction and others opt for private institutions based on family legacy. No matter your opinion, consider all the options as you create a list of potential possibilities.

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Mean Girls

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Some of my daughter’s friends seem to be teasing her a little more than they should. She seems hurt by this but tells me there is nothing wrong. Could she be hiding her feelings?

Girls can be just as aggressive as boys. In fact, some might consider female hostility more dramatic and damaging than boy bullying. Girls antagonize in a covert, complex and long-term manner; boys, on the other hand, are overt, obnoxious, and instantaneous. Girls employ socially manipulative tactics often causing good friends to be instant enemies.

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The Teenage Brain

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Sometimes my teenager does not use her brain and makes really poor decisions. She knows what is right, but often chooses to do what is wrong. Why is this?

Adolescence is the second time in life that your teen will actually act like a child. Don’t be surprised if your teenager throws tantrums and makes unreasonable demands that one might typically associate with the terrible twos or terrible teens. Here is the thing; teens actually know their behavior is inappropriate. In fact, if you ask a teen if drinking and driving is dangerous or eating an entire pack of Oreos is unhealthy, they will tell you it is! So why do they pretend to be asleep when it is time to do household chores? Blame it on the brain!

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Back To School Success

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Consider the age of your kids when you prepare for going back to school as different kids have different needs. Below are some general guidelines as well as some specific suggestions to make sure the return to class is a positive experience.

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Teens and Studying

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With the school year starting, how can I help my son be a better student and study more efficiently?

I recently asked a group of high school freshman how they study. The answers were insightfully intelligent as well as interestingly unique. One student commented that he studies the big points because the little stuff doesn’t matter, another commented he just stares at his book for 15 minute before taking a break, and one looks for the “bold” words to learn and memorize.

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ACT Advice

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My daughter does not know if she should take the ACT, SAT or both. How does she decided?

You finally learned what LOL, OMG and BTW means. Now, your daughter is in high school, and there is another set of acronyms to learn—PSAT, PLAN, ACT, and SAT. Most parents are familiar with these letters and don’t need Google to determine their initial meaning. However, further examination is required if you are going to truly understand how these tests will impact your child.

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Overweight Kids

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My daughter is overweight and she is very sensitive and gets upset with me when I offer advice. What should I do?

Many believe that bully behaviors are confined to school yard taunts and teases. Unfortunately, some teens return home to face further humiliation especially if they happen to be overweight. Parents often have difficulty approaching their adolescent about any sensitive subject, but weight issues appear to be particularly misunderstood.

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Bullying and Teens

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I am not the parent of a bullied student, but I worry about my ninth grader. What can I do to make sure his school days are safe or to make sure that he does not make life difficult for others?

Lately, it feels like bully behaviors are being regularly reported in the news. Most recently, in two unrelated incidents, a 15 year old Massachusetts girl and a 13 year old Texas teen hung themselves due to the daily tortures and taunts inflicted by their peers. Earlier this school year, the St. Louis area received its own turn in the national spotlight for the bully bus incident that occurred in Belleville.

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