Teens and Back-to-School Anxiety

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Teens and Back-to-School Anxiety

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Whenever there is change, anxiety is natural. Back to school time often causes mixed emotions as kids are both excited and anxious about returning to school. Seeing friends, sharing summer stories, and back to school shopping can make the start of the school year fun. On the other side of the coin, many students are also very nervous as the fall semester begins.

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Teens, Technology, and Social Networking

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I recently sat in with the Phillips & Company St. Louis Morning Show on Y98 FM. The topic was how parents should manage their teenager’s Web interaction in light of new and ever changing technologies like Skype and iChat. These latest forms of social networking are becoming more and more popular with teens and young adults. In fact, video calls are the modern day party line where teens can both see and hear each other. What is a parent to do?

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