Tag Archives: Parenting Teens

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Kids and Quitting Video

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Teens are often quick to sign-up for some extracurricular activity, but sometimes just as quick to quit. How do parents deal with this problem? Dr. Russell Hyken addresses the issues with KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis, MO.

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Teenage Depression

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According to The National institute of Mental Health (NIMH) it is estimated that depression affects 11 percent of adolescents. As awareness for teenage depression grows, more people are recognizing its effect on their lives. Depression is a general state or sad and hopeless feelings, expressed over along period of time. “People with depression usually have low energy and low motivation.” Dr, Russell Hyken, a notable St. Louis child and adolescent psychologist said. Poor appetite, trouble sleeping, change in friends, poor grades and frequent illness are all signs of depression. Depression is constant sadness. Bad moods and stress are expected from teenagers. “Depression is not about having a bad day or a bad week. It is about having many bad weeks and months,” Hyken said, “too much stress ties closer to anxiety than depression.”

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Five Things Your Teen Won’t Tell You

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Here are five things your teen won’t tell you – or won’t tell you nicely. In fact they may even speak cryptically or grunt and assume telling you doesn’t “really” do any good.

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Curfew Conflicts

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My son and I have been arguing about his curfew all summer. We have different opinions about what it should be. This has also created a problem for his younger brother as he feels that his curfew should be the same. How do you determine what is an appropriate time?

Curfew controversies have been a source of contention between teens and parents for many generations. We argued with our parents about it, and now, you are faced with the same situation. Unfortunately, most adolescents feel that this rule is a parental power play and are more concerned with their own freedom and independence than parental feelings. This situation, however, is an opportunity to teach your kids about setting limits, social responsibility and common courtesy. It is an important conversation, so prepare wisely.

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Negotiating with Older Kids

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The other night, I got into an argument with my daughter. She was making unreasonable demands, and I just sent her to her room. Do you have any tips for handling my teenager when she is being unreasonable?

When kids are little, they will do what is asked because they worry about their parents’ reaction. The teenage years, however, don’t work like this. Sometime during the high school years, kids really strive for the independence. They begin to expect more freedom, and they challenge the adults in their life. When this happens it is time to change your approach. Many family therapists work with parents on a skill we call “responsive listening”. When your kids are argumentative or are just being difficult, consider the following approach.

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Defiant Teens

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My teenager has been breaking a lot of house rules lately. Some of the things she is doing feel like normal teenage behavior, but other times it feels excessive. How do I know when my daughter has crossed the line?

As teenagers enter the driving years, their behavior often changes. This is usually related to an adolescent’s desire to develop her own identity as well as her own independence. Peers start to become more important than parents, and the ability to drive creates a new found freedom and opportunity to push the boundaries of household rules. When gauging
the seriousness of your rule breaking teen’s behavior consider the following guidelines to help you determine when your child has crossed the line.

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Traveling with Teens

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Our kids are now teenagers and it seem that their idea of a vacation differs from ours. What can we do to ensure that our family has a great time?

When your teenagers were tots, traveling was much simpler. A sandy beach with the occasional kid-friendly activity was all the family needed to have a good time. Now, however, your young children have become young adults, and the family vacation has become a complex negotiation as generations clash over what to do. To pave the way for a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation, do some advance planning and allow your teen a say in the stay.

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Have your kids taken the ACT, SAT, or PSAT?  How are you to know which test is best for your child?  Dr. Hyken explains the difference between the tests and explains which test would be best for your student.

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Growing Up On Facebook

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iPads, iTouch, iPods, laptops, nooks, Kindles, cell phones and even handheld games all have internet access, opening the door to social networking for children. Facebook has become the new version of chatting on the telephone as a child, but it now is something kids in elementary school are doing. Is this a good idea?

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Bullying Video

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The movie Mean Girls brought girl bullying to the spot light. Boys and girls bully in completely different ways. Dr. Hyken explains signs to tell if your daughter is a bully or if she is being bullied.