Tag Archives: Teen Behavior

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Giving Teens a Safe, Sane, Productive Summer

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As I reflect upon my youth and those lazy days of summer, I have fond memories of staying out late, spending hours by the pool, and making many phone calls to determine the when and the where of my next nightly activity. Yes, those were simpler times without worries of curfew laws, skin cancer and Wi-Fi access.

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Teens & Summer Jobs

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Most parents want to see their teens get a summer job. Not all teens agree. Dr. Hyken addresses the issue on KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis.

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Facebook, Depression and Children

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The use of Facebook is a prevalent form of communication among young people today. However, does it lead to depression? There is some debate about that, which Dr. Hyken addresses on KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis, MO.

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Facebook May Be Harmful to Your Health

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According to a published report in the Journal of Pediatrics‘ “Clinical Report-The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families,” there is a growing concern about a new phenomena called “Facebook depression.” Facebook depression is defined by these professionals as “depression that develops when preteens and teens spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as Facebook, and then begin to exhibit classic signs of depression.”

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Summer Tutoring

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Summer tutoring is a critical decision for teens and their parents.  It may not be popular among kids, but it is often necessary. Dr. Hyken was recently quoted by St. Louis publication The Ladue News as an expert on the subject.

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Kids and Quitting Video

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Teens are often quick to sign-up for some extracurricular activity, but sometimes just as quick to quit. How do parents deal with this problem? Dr. Russell Hyken addresses the issues with KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis, MO.

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Teenage Depression

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According to The National institute of Mental Health (NIMH) it is estimated that depression affects 11 percent of adolescents. As awareness for teenage depression grows, more people are recognizing its effect on their lives. Depression is a general state or sad and hopeless feelings, expressed over along period of time. “People with depression usually have low energy and low motivation.” Dr, Russell Hyken, a notable St. Louis child and adolescent psychologist said. Poor appetite, trouble sleeping, change in friends, poor grades and frequent illness are all signs of depression. Depression is constant sadness. Bad moods and stress are expected from teenagers. “Depression is not about having a bad day or a bad week. It is about having many bad weeks and months,” Hyken said, “too much stress ties closer to anxiety than depression.”

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Five Things Your Teen Won’t Tell You

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Here are five things your teen won’t tell you – or won’t tell you nicely. In fact they may even speak cryptically or grunt and assume telling you doesn’t “really” do any good.

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Video Game Addiction

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According to the American Medical Association, approximately 90 percent of American youth enjoy video games. Eight and half to fifteen percent of those gamers play so excessively that they are addicted.

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Curfew Conflicts

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My son and I have been arguing about his curfew all summer. We have different opinions about what it should be. This has also created a problem for his younger brother as he feels that his curfew should be the same. How do you determine what is an appropriate time?

Curfew controversies have been a source of contention between teens and parents for many generations. We argued with our parents about it, and now, you are faced with the same situation. Unfortunately, most adolescents feel that this rule is a parental power play and are more concerned with their own freedom and independence than parental feelings. This situation, however, is an opportunity to teach your kids about setting limits, social responsibility and common courtesy. It is an important conversation, so prepare wisely.

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