Video Game Addiction

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Video Game Addiction

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Up to 15% of people who play video games are actually addicted to them. Video games are specifically designed to have  the player become an addict. There are several different tactics to make sure your video game player does not become an addict.

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Parent Bullying

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Parent bullying could easily happen unintentionally. Taking a minute to think about how you speak to your child or what you are hinting at your child is worth a second look.

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Teen Drug Use

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When our children have role models like Miley Cyrus, who was caught on video taking a hit from a bong, what are they suppose to do? Teenagers are also the target for many different tobacco companies these days and the pressure is getting greater. Dr. Hyken talks about what can be done to make sure your child makes the right choice.

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What Your Teen Isn’t Telling You

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Balancing teens’ need for personal privacy with appropriate guidance and intervention is a challenge nearly all parents face as their children mature. In what areas can teens be allowed some privacy and where is it necessary to step in? Dr. Hyken offers helpful tips for parents.

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Public vs. Private School

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Since St. Louis has one the largest private high school markets in the country, decisions surrounding education can be hard. There are several different things to consider when deciding whether to enroll your child into a public or private school.

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Teens and Texting

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In an increasingly digital age, many parents are concerned about their teens’ dependence on texting. Dr. Hyken discusses what can be done when teens become obsessed with their phones.

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Halloween Costumes

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It seems as though the Halloween costume market has become sexier. Whether you are a little girl or an adult female, there are many different costumes that show the midriff or come with fishnet stockings. Just because it is Halloween doesn’t mean you can dress in clothing that you would not normally deem appropriate.

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Racy Halloween Costumes

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When it comes to picking out a Halloween costume, remember you are the parent and they are the child. Even though it is only dressing up for one day, you are setting the stage for future costumes.

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Coming to an Agreement

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Coming to an agreement on curfew is a common struggle for parents and their teens. Dr. Hyken recommends embracing the opportunity to communicate with your teen, while teaching them about social responsibility and independence.

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Avoiding Trouble

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Your teen may need your help in learning to avoid trouble. Watch as Dr. Russell Hyken discusses the best ways to teach your teen to make informed decisions using their best judgement.