Arguing In Front of the Kids

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Arguing In Front of the Kids

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Many parents have argued in front of their children. However, while you may pick up and move on, have you ever wondered what lasting impression it is leaving on your kids?

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Teens & ADHD

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How do parents know if their teens difficulty in focusing could be a sign of trouble. Dr. Hyken addressed the issue of ADHD.

Cognitive testing provides further insight into how one thinks and learns. Through a comprehensive, data driven ADHD evaluation process, EPS accurately diagnoses and provides recommendations to help ADHD individuals succeed.

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Why Kids Lie and What to Do about It

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A recent Canadian Study at Toronto University found that one-fifth of all 2-year-olds are able to lie, 90 percent of 4-year-olds are capable of telling untruths, and the rate of lying peaked around 12-years-old. Interestingly, the study further found that lying is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Dealing With Sensitive Teens

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Some teens are most sensitive than others and present a special challenge for parents. Dr. Russell Hyken addresses the issue on KTVI-TV, Fox 2 in St. Louis, Missouri.

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Kids & Lying

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Kids do lie to their parents and others from an early age. However, the fact that it is happening may not be all bad or be a symptom of other issues. Dr. Hyken discusses this topic on KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis, MO.

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Back-to-School Anxiety

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Summer is over and you child’s mood has shifted: He is not the happy, carefree kid of a few short weeks ago; rather, he has become irritable, complains about headaches and is having sleep difficulties. Welcome to back-to-school stress.

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Preparing Your Freshman For College

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Parents are now preparing to send their teens away from home to begin freshman year at college. Dr. Russell Hyken provides some tips on that process on KTVI-TV, Fox 2 in St. Louis, MO.

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Kids and Cursing

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Parents are often surprised when their teens use curse words and wonder where they, “learned that kind of language.” Dr. Hyken addresses that issue on KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis, MO.

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Strategies for a Profanity Free Home

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I remember the first time I heard my child use a swear word. He did not know what it meant, and its context was so funny I laughed. Seeing my reaction, my son, who was just three years old at the time, decided to not just say it again, but sing it at the top of his lungs. Once I pulled my composure together, my parenting sense kicked in, and I told my son he is not use that word again.

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Allowance or Obligation?

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Most parents give their teens an allowance for spending money. However, it is important to think through how much, when and for what. Dr. Hyken addresses these issues on KTVI-TV Fox 2 in St. Louis MO.